• Chickens
  • The Chickens


    Why did I paint chickens for over five years?
    Because they are sweet, curious, intelligent, and funny.
    Their colors, patterns, and feathers are truly beautiful, and they offer a wonderful combination of dignity and hilarious fun.
    They are utterly vulnerable, and yet a hen will fiercely protect her chicks and a rooster will lay down his life for the flock.
    I tried my best to represent and honor them with love.

  • Older Chicken Art
  • Older Chicken Art

    These are some of the older chicken images I made, many of which launched Chicken Art.

  • Tin Signs
  • Tin Signs

    I also made tin signs and other products for "chicken people" to decorate their barns, houses, and chicken coops with.
    I no longer manufacture them, but they sure were fun.

  • Products Etc
  • Products Etc

    I no longer sell any of these products, but again, it was sure fun making them.
    Calendars, tin signs, garden flags, aprons, T-shirts, ornaments...lots of fun things to put chickens on.

  • People
  • People of Chicken Art

    Some of the many, many wonderful people (and their photos) who followed my very popular, large Facebook page during the Chicken Art years.

    Also check out my:

    Tarot Cards
    Other Art
    To my mind a picture should be something pleasant, cheerful and pretty. There are too many unpleasant things in life as it is, without creating still more of them.
    Pierre-Auguste Renoir
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